There's a woman who guest posted on a blog I read. Here's the post.
The second thing I hope my children remember is this: Sometimes you have to say no. Sometimes you have to put yourself first and say ‘I can’t help you today.’ There are times you need to unplug the phone, clear your schedule and take care of you. When you truly need to do that, it isn’t selfish and it isn’t something you should feel guilty about doing. It is loving yourself. And that is as important as loving others.
I want to teach my kids something important. Right now the important thing I'm teaching is that if you're going to take the toys from your sister, make sure you "trade" so she doesn't know she's getting the short end of the stick. Also, when we eat fast food for lunch, we throw the trash away BEFORE we get home so Daddy doesn't see. I think I like her second point because a lot of the time, I want to tell everyone (kids included) that I can't help them today.
Man, this mom thing is hard. Mom, I don't know how you did it. I surely know I didn't thank you enough for it! So, THANK YOU. thanks. Thank you! Dae dum (that's how my little brother used to say it.)
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